how to get featured online & in print
Thank you for your interest in submitting your wedding or shoot! We’re always on the lookout for inspiring celebrations to share with our readers. Submissions are open from March 1 to December 31. Should your submission be declined, please know that you may still be selected for future submissions. No matter our decision, please continue to keep us in mind when shooting and submitting features in the future!
– Seasonal weddings and shoots.
Some images we generally keep an eye out for include: vertical shots of the bride and groom, wedding bouquet, bridesmaid fashion, wedding cake, reception table and wedding invitations; as well as detailed shots of the groom’s boutonniere, a seating-chart display, eye-catching backdrops or garlands. For photo shoots, we look for a fresh concept and inspiring images with a mix of portraits, fashion and décor.
Please contact [email protected]
– We give strong preference to bright, light and airy images (whether that’s film, hybrid or digital).
– Please send anywhere from 50–100 images for us to consider.
– No watermarks, please.
– Images should be at least 1500px wide, all single files (no collages and no images larger than 3000px wide).
– Keep black and white photos to a minimum.
Please complete the form on this page. If you have a problem, please email us [email protected]
We welcome a number of different methods for sending images, as long as it does not require the sharing of folders like Google Drive or Dropbox invitations. If using either one, please send us a direct link to the Dropbox folder in lieu of a Dropbox folder invitation, and please ensure that “home” is not present in the URL, or we won’t be able to access it. A direct link saves us both time and space, and will ensure a quicker response. Here are an assortment of our preferred ways to receive images:
– Dropbox folder link
– PASS Gallery link
– Pixieset link
Please paste your image gallery URL in the field to the right. If your gallery requires a download pin or password, kindly make a note of it in the post content section along with your vendor list and story.
We review our submissions monthly and do our best to respond to every wedding or wedding-related submission that follows our guidelines.
By submitting features for consideration to Wine & Country Weddings, you hereby assume responsibility or ownership of its copyrighted work. Make sure included vendors are all in accordance with the plans to submit a feature. Please do not submit if a submission is pending elsewhere, as we do not retract scheduled features. Be advised, we will not respond to submissions without images and/or list of vendors.
If your submission is accepted to be featured on Wine & Country Weddings, we just ask that we retain exclusivity for 60 days past the time of your feature date on Wine & Country Weddings. We continuously promote your feature for at least a year to make sure it receives the exposure it deserves.
Featured weddings are determined by merit through imagery, décor aesthetics and trends, unique details, style, fashion and seasonality according to what Wine & Country Weddings’ readers love.
If you notice a broken link, tag, typo or mixup in the vendor list, please email us at [email protected]
Note: We are online Monday–Friday during regular business hours EST.